Friday, September 13, 2019

How to lure an employee from a competitor

Yes, perhaps - this is not very honest. But the modern realities of high business competition have long overturned a sense of tact.

A highly qualified employee with a name in the field is not just an effective employee. Such a person is able to improve the image of the company, it’s great to promote a business in the media space and, of course, to lure even more specialists from the “major league”. Also you should have a good cv to be invited for interview - use federal resume guide

Forget about nobility and fight for the best.

High salary
60% of people are willing to change jobs in favor of a higher salary. Therefore, the most effective way to lure an employee into your company is to offer more, even for 10 thousand.

High post
Who does not want to have a high status. Often, in order to get the cherished specialist, it is enough to simply offer a more sonorous position. For example, there was a case when an employee was lured to the same duties and salary, but instead of the position “Head of Department” they offered to become “Head of Department”.

Professional challenge
Not everyone wants high-profile posts. Some specialists hunt for interesting projects that will look beautifully in the resume. This is especially characteristic of IT techies. Therefore, if you plan to collaborate with a demanded developer, prepare a list of intricate tasks for him. Make a professional challenge.

Superior Social Package
No one likes to work informally. After all, every day worked without an employment contract leaves the employee without a part of the pension. This is very worrying for Russians, but the situation on the labor market makes people go to any job, even gray. But as soon as a place with official earnings is vacated in another company, the “unofficial” place becomes empty.

Special working conditions
What do you choose - to live in a comfortable penthouse or in a basement without windows? Here is the worker too. Not a single employee can withstand working in a stuffy, small room, without water and office - such conditions have a bad effect on physical and mental state. Therefore, working in uncomfortable conditions for most Russians is just a temporary point, even if the salary is more than satisfied, be aware of this.

Business trips and profile "parties"
Business trips for employees are first of all a great way to visit different cities and countries absolutely free of charge, to learn from foreign colleagues. People also understand that a company paying for a business trip employee deserves respect. Therefore, an ambitious specialist will gladly change his job for the sake of new sensations and knowledge.

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