Friday, September 13, 2019

5 questions to yourself before leaving

All quit!
How many times a month we make the decision to break the labor contract and proudly walk to the sunset. However, over time, emotions subside and awareness comes - everything is not so scary.

Nevertheless, psychologists claim that almost 85% of dismissals are stressful, that is, reasoned only by emotions. After some time, many regret the rash act, because stressful dismissal is an unplanned action, which means that the quick-tempered employee does not have money, waste routes and plans.

Therefore, we advise you to ask yourself 5 questions that will help you understand and make a rational decision.

Is my problem temporary?
The decision to quit cannot be groundless - there is a reason for everything. Usually these are internal problems of the company or personal motives of the employee.

Before you put the letter of resignation on the table, analyze the situation on a cold head. First, how much will job loss affect quality of life? What will be the further action plan? Secondly, think about whether the present problem has a solution in the foreseeable future or not.

For example, changes in company policy, a new payroll calculation, irreconcilable disagreements with management, or deployment to an uncomfortable place can be attributed to the unsolvable. But a minor quarrel with a colleague, a scandal with a client, an unfulfilled plan or a failed project - you can survive it.

Am I making progress?
You have taken up a new position, changed your company or sphere - stress goes through the roof. A month or three passes, and thoughts “Maybe, well, it’s better to leave.”

Now think again - how long will you have to look for the best ways to look for a new job? What are the prospects ahead? What have you been able to achieve? If there is even the slightest progress, stay. Remember, really worthwhile things are given very hard.

Am I evaluating the situation adequately?
A person eventually gets used to everything, and everything becomes boring over time. A blurred look often makes it difficult to soberly evaluate things. For example, beautiful office walls cease to please, tasty coffee seems ordinary, and a good salary - well ... "It could be more."

Before leaving, we advise you to focus on the pros and cons of the company. Just imagine what you’ll lose.

What is my purpose?
Knowing your goal is important. If you do not have plans for high-profile professional fame, then the next dismissal will not greatly affect the quality of the resume. But careerists have to be more prudent.

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